+27 43 700 6699 sales@summerpride.co.za

The People

Summerpride employs a wide range of professional and committed staff who are committed to applying their knowledge and experience to meet complex economic, environmental, and social challenges to our business.

“It is a process of continually improving our standards, our actions, and our processes. Our business is conducted with high levels of integrity, accountability, and responsibility”

Our Staff

Our staff are our greatest asset. We are acutely aware of this and are extremely proud of the fact that we have many employees with more than 20 years of service.

We look after our employees to the best of our ability, and we expect all of our suppliers to do the same.

We believe in skills development and recent initiatives include setting up a computer training centre where all of our staff are encouraged to partake in online training in various areas of interest.

Employment Equity

We are committed to employment equity on all levels. We have a Worker’s Trust that owns a significant equity stake in our business. The beneficiaries of this Trust are all the permanently employed, previously disadvantaged workers in our industry, from farm workers to workers in the factory.

    Burgersdorp Rd, Gately Extension
    East London, 5201

    +27 43 700 6699